Attention 7th Grade Students/Parents/Guardians:
Mrs. Derick will be available from 4 - 6 pm on Thursday, Aug. 31st. Students can pick-up their schedules, find their lockers, and ask questions or share concerns. Please only the 7th grade student and their parent/guardian come. If you have questions please email
As the 23-24 school year approaches we are excited to introduce some of our new DCS Teaching Staff! Meet Ms. Balser 🦅✏️🧮 Hi DCS community! My name is Jade Balser and I’m so excited to be the new 7-12 math teacher this year! I grew up in Liberty, and earned my Bachelor’s Degree through SUNY Potsdam in 2022. I’ve always known I wanted to be a teacher, but it wasn’t until high school that I knew I wanted to be a math teacher. This will be my first year teaching and I can’t wait to get started! Some fun facts about me are that I love photography and have been a photographer for about 8 years now. I started in high school using a film camera and have never stopped taking pictures since. I also love to read. Even though I’m a math person through and though, you will always find me reading in any spare moment I can get.
Adult Basic Education/High School Equivalency Opportunity
Employment Opportunity: Custodial Worker
As the 23-24 school year approaches we are excited to introduce you to some of our new DCS Staff members!
Meet Mr. Green
Hello DCS!
My name is Daniel Green, and I am very excited to start teaching several agriculture-based classes this year! I will mostly be teaching 5th-12th grade.
This will be my 3rd year teaching, and I hope to bring novel and interesting experiences to your students.
This includes chartering Downsville’s first FFA chapter, a national organization centered around agriculture education, career exploration, and leadership development.
I have already started working with some students over the summer, and I am greatly looking forward to working with all the DCS students, staff, and parents this fall!
Student/Classroom Supply Lists:
Reminder: Fall Varsity Sports Players! Bring your sports interval forms to the first day of practice!
DCS is working on reducing cafeteria waste. Anyone that would like our food/scrap waste to compost or use for farm animals please reach out to 1st come/1st serve. 🙂
Student/Classroom Supply Lists:
The DCS field trip to Binghamton will be returning 20 minutes later than originally planned this afternoon.
Attention Summer Program Parents/Guardians. In order for your child to participate at the trampoline park, you *must* complete this jump waiver from Defy Gravity's website! Please click the link below to sign for your child(ren).*1q5it7y*_gcl_au*MTIwNTA2NDQxMi4xNjkwNDczOTQ0*FPAU*MTIwNTA2NDQxMi4xNjkwNDczOTQ0*_ga*MjA5MDYxMzk0NC4xNjkwNDczOTQ0*_ga_Z9M1LHWY55*MTY5MDQ3Mzk0My4xLjAuMTY5MDQ3Mzk0Ni4wLjAuMA..*_fplc*YnhrUGZnV1dsbEdkWVJ4c09mdGpWclFyVzZuWjd5ZE8lMkJMRHVJNGdkUzl2bmg4QnhGeVZYTW1yNGExZFlTdjF6MHZFTTBjQTNoSmswQnhFJTJGRE5iMk42SjJzMzRWdUtDYjNrMWF2Zng4SjZacXQ1bzBPRVJ3dVVHJTJGaTh1SHZnJTNEJTNE&_ga=2.228452500.888967756.1690473944-2090613944.1690473944#/
Reminder: Attached is the "Team Store" for the Downsville/Walton Boys Varsity Soccer program. The team store will be open until August 21st, if anyone is interested in ordering any of the following items. The link to the store is listed below with prices and shipping is expected to take anywhere from 2-3 weeks. The items will not ship until the store is closed on August 21st!
Attention Summer Program Parents & Guardians!
As the summer program is winding down, we are excited to announce that we will be taking a field trip to Defy Trampoline Park in Vestal, Thursday August 3rd. The district will provide breakfast, lunch, and a snack while on the trip. Buses will leave at 8:30am and return for our usual 2pm dismissal time. All students attending the trip must have a jump waiver filled out please click the link below to sign for your child(ren).*1q5it7y*_gcl_au*MTIwNTA2NDQxMi4xNjkwNDczOTQ0*FPAU*MTIwNTA2NDQxMi4xNjkwNDczOTQ0*_ga*MjA5MDYxMzk0NC4xNjkwNDczOTQ0*_ga_Z9M1LHWY55*MTY5MDQ3Mzk0My4xLjAuMTY5MDQ3Mzk0Ni4wLjAuMA..*_fplc*YnhrUGZnV1dsbEdkWVJ4c09mdGpWclFyVzZuWjd5ZE8lMkJMRHVJNGdkUzl2bmg4QnhGeVZYTW1yNGExZFlTdjF6MHZFTTBjQTNoSmswQnhFJTJGRE5iMk42SjJzMzRWdUtDYjNrMWF2Zng4SjZacXQ1bzBPRVJ3dVVHJTJGaTh1SHZnJTNEJTNE&_ga=2.228452500.888967756.1690473944-2090613944.1690473944#/
With this being the last week of swim lessons at the Colchester Town Pool, the Summer Program will continue to offer swim time at Colchester Town Pool as an activity next week. Please continue to send your child's swimming suits and towels etc. if they think they'd like to sign up for swimming as an activity.
I’d like to thank everyone for their participation in the soccer clinic last week. We had 28 students in grades 5-8 and 20 in 9-12 for a total of 48 student athletes. The students were a joy to have, we learned lots of new drills, skills and activities. The students loved meeting and learning from Mr. Eddie Kingston. We’re hoping to continue this clinic in the future and hope that more of you will attend! Thank you all again and don’t forget to practice over the summer!
-Coach Keesler
The summer program is in full swing! Incredibly, we have 105 of our 138 students in K-8 attending! That’s 76% of our student population who chose to come back for the summer to attend this really awesome program. Students do academic work in the morning and are able to choose from a list of several activities including gaga ball, side walk chalk, pool time, bracelet making, playground time, sprinkler and water activities, and much more for the afternoon sessions. Our program provides free breakfast and lunch as well as makes accommodations for students to attending their swimming lessons at the town pool.
Parents whose students are attending the soccer clinic tomorrow. Please have the students prepared by 11:45 am at the far soccer field with shin guards and cleats. Your child should bring a water bottle and a ball if they have one, if not there will be balls provided for them. Any child attending the summer program will leave from the summer program to the clinic and leave on their regular bus going home. There will be no transportation provided for Friday or Saturday. If your child has not signed up and is still interested, have your child show up with a check made out to Play for Peace or $50 cash.
The clinic sessions will take place from 12-2 for grades 5-8 and 3-5 for grades 9-12. If you have any further questions, please email We're looking forward to seeing you all there!
Attached is the "Team Store" for the Downsville/Walton Boys Varsity Soccer program. The team store will be open until August 21st, if anyone is interested in ordering any of the following items. The link to the store is listed below with prices and shipping is expected to take anywhere from 2-3 weeks. The items will not ship until the store is closed on August 21st!
Walton Booster Club is having their football sign ups as part of a skills camp this week. Tuesday to Thursday 5-6:30 at Austin Lincoln. Please reach out to if interested or if you have questions.
The Youth Football League for Deposit/Hancock has reached out and extended an invite to join.
If any kids would like to join our youth team they are more than welcome to. Practices will be in Hancock and Deposit 3-4 days a week. Click link for sign up form online.
It’s open to ages 4-12.